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Keeping Girls Active in the Summer
I live outside of Boston so you'd think it would be easier to keep my daughters active during the summer when the weather warms up. It...
Mia Wenjen (@PragmaticMom Author /Parenting
Jun 28, 20183 min read

Who's Winning: Kids or Screens?
A couple notable studies regarding children and technology use were recently released. Both strongly suggest that when it comes to our...
Diana Graber
Jun 6, 20163 min read

The Muddy Middle: Where Tech and Relationships Meet
I could feel my blood pressure rise a bit as I wondered if I should say something to my son. It was getting late and he was watching a...
Michelle Linford
Feb 23, 20162 min read

Tech Addiction: A Parent's Biggest Fear
I’ve been spending a lot of time these days talking to parents about how technology and media are affecting their kids’ lives. What do I...
Michelle Ciulla Lipkin, Executive Director
Feb 21, 20163 min read

#DigiWishes: A Healthy, Balanced Life for ALL Students
So excited to share a wish from these Cyber Civics teachers at Central York Middle School, PA, who not only teach kids how to use...
Shelly Eaton, Central York Middle School
Dec 11, 20152 min read
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