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Brittany Oler, Kids Email

Send a Special Message to Your Mom for Mother's Day

Mother’s Day is a holiday honoring motherhood that is observed in different forms throughout the world. This year it falls on Sunday, May 8th.

What a perfect day to share with your Mom how much she means to you. You can tell her in a card, face to face or even send her an e-mail!

In fact, as our Mother's Day Gift to you... we'd like to offer you a free lesson for your kids-- How To Communicate Online--courtesy of Kids Email and Cyber Civics!

Here are 8 Things you can e-mail to your Mom to tell her how awesome she is:

Happy Mother's Day! You are the most special person in my heart now and forever. Love always, [ your name ]

  • To the best Mom in the World: Happy Mother's Day! You deserve so much! I love you!

  • You have always been by my side. I love you! Happy Mother's Day!

  • You have taught me so many things. Thank you for everything you do, I love you and hope

you have a great Mother's Day.

  • I could bring you flowers or gifts but nothing in this world can truly show how much I love and care for you. Happy Mother's Day!

  • You are by far the greatest Mom in the whole world. Happy Mother's Day.

  • Happy Mother's Day to my beautiful, loving Mom! You are so sweet, I wanted to bake you a special treat!

  • You always make me feel loved and important. Thanks for making me feel important even when you have so many other things to do. Happy Mother's Day, and thank you.

  • Show your child that they can share a sweet Mother's Day message by sending a quick e-mail.

  • Don't have e-mail? Don't fret, kids can use Kids Email to send this special message. You can sign up for a free trial here:

Brittany is the Marketing Manager of KidsEmail, Mom of 2, Farmer's Wife, and dedicated to keeping kids safe online. Join Brittany on Thursday for "M.O.M.S.: Making Online Moments Safer."

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