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Cynthia Lieberman

Deepfakes: Emotional Toll During Disasters

As Hurricane Helene battered coastlines and communities, a different kind of storm raged online - one made of pixels and algorithms. The rise of deepfake technology has added a troubling new dimension to how we experience and respond to natural disasters, this just being one of them.

AI Image of girl in a boat

Confusion Reigns Supreme

While the physical damage of events like Hurricane Helene and other disasters is evident, the emotional toll inflicted by the spread of AI-generated misinformation is harder to quantify, yet potentially just as devastating.

In the aftermath of a disaster, information is precious. Yet deepfakes muddy these already turbulent waters. As manipulated images and videos flood social media feeds, distinguishing fact from fiction becomes a Herculean task. This constant state of uncertainty breeds a deep-seated mistrust in media sources. Many find themselves paralyzed by indecision, unsure whether to act on the information they're seeing or dismiss it as yet another fabrication.

The Emotional Rollercoaster

Imagine seeing a heart-wrenching image of destruction in your hometown, only to later discover it was AI-generated. The initial shock and grief give way to anger and betrayal. This emotional whiplash is psychologically draining, leaving many feeling manipulated and wary of engaging with disaster-related content altogether.

Deep Dive

Numbing the Pain

Paradoxically, the onslaught of fake disaster imagery can lead to a dangerous desensitization. As we're bombarded with both real and fabricated scenes of suffering, our capacity for empathy may diminish. This emotional numbing poses a serious threat to our collective ability to respond compassionately to genuine crises.

A Mental Marathon

The constant vigilance required to navigate this minefield of misinformation takes its toll. "Verification fatigue" sets in as people struggle to critically examine every piece of disaster- related content they encounter. This mental strain can lead to withdrawal and disengagement at a time when community involvement is most crucial.

Eroding the Foundations of Aid

Perhaps most alarmingly, deepfakes can actively hinder relief efforts. When trust in disaster reporting breaks down, so too does the motivation to help. Donations may dwindle, volunteers may hesitate, and crucial aid might not reach those who need it most. In this environment of doubt, vulnerable communities bear the heaviest burden.

The Scammer's Paradise

Amidst the confusion, bad actors thrive. Cybercriminals exploit the chaos with deepfake- powered phishing schemes and fraudulent fundraising campaigns. These scams not only lead to financial losses but further erode the trust necessary for legitimate aid efforts to succeed.

Deepfakes and fake news pose a growing threat to democracy, experts warn

AI Image

A fake image purporting to show an explosion near the Pentagon was shared by multiple verified Twitter accounts causing confusion and leading to a brief dip in the stock market. Local officials later confirmed no such incident had occurred (CNN)

Deepfakes and fake news and can pose a serious threat to more than just our emotional health. Northeastern University computer science and philosophy professor Don Fallis warns that it also can impact our democracies by eroding trust, spreading misinformation, and undermining the democratic process. The spread of misinformation and disinformation can exacerbate societal divisions and polarization, making it harder to find common ground and address shared challenges. Fake news and deepfakes can be used to manipulate public opinion, sway elections, and undermine the democratic process.

Looking Ahead

The emotional impact of deepfakes during natural disasters extends far beyond the immediate crisis. By sowing seeds of doubt and manipulating our emotions, this technology has the power to fundamentally alter how we perceive and respond to catastrophic events.

As we grapple with the aftermath of tragedies like Hurricane Helene and other disasters, prepare for future disasters, addressing the deepfake dilemma must be a priority. Developing better detection tools, promoting media literacy, and fostering resilient information ecosystems are essential steps. Only by confronting this digital threat can we hope to preserve the human connection and compassion that are so vital in times of crisis.

6 Ways to spot Deep Fakes




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About The Author

Cynthia Lieberman

Cynthia Lieberman is the President of LieberComm, a strategic marketing and media communications agency specializing in campaigns that amplify stories, boost reach, and create impactful engagement. As the co-founder of, she advocates for digital literacy and excels in leveraging AI technology to enhance brand visibility. Her background includes  a graduate degree in Media Psychology and Social Change, and she has extensive experience in managing high profile media relations, marketing, and PR campaigns for major Hollywood studios. She is also a frequent guest speaker and has taught marketing, advertising and PR at UCLA, the University of Texas at Austin, CSUN, and Rochester Institute of Technology.



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