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Good Teens, Bad Choices: Finding the Right Help Program

Sue Scheff, Author, Parent

Parenting teens can be challenging, especially in today’s world of technology, social media and gaming and with at-home kids using tech more than ever during COVID-19. Teen’s consider their online lives as crucial as their offline ones — and many times, if a parent attempts to remove their devices or come between them and their social life (especially their digital one), you may see a side of your child you just don’t recognize.

If your teen exhibits any of the following signs, it may be time to reach out for help.

  • Defiance

  • Rage

  • Anger

  • Explosiveness

  • Family conflict or discord

  • Withdrawn

  • Grades dropping

  • Suicide ideation

  • Depression, sadnessAnxiety, stress

  • Loss of interest in hobbies or other activities they used to love

Looking for help

When parents reach a breaking point, many will reach-out to experts for help. From visiting local therapists to trying an out-patient program, it can be overwhelming finding the best solution for your child.

After exhausting local resources, some families turn to residential therapy for assistance.

As I share with parents through Parents Universal Resource Experts (P.U.R.E), this is a major decision not to be taken lightly. It’s not about teaching your child a lesson, it’s not about punishing your teen or scaring them straight — residential therapy is a huge financial and emotional decision that is made after you have exhausted all your local resources. By removing the teen from their environment they will be able to heal and gain an objective view of the root causes of their issues.

The majority of families that contact us don’t have bad kids. Their kids are good kids making bad choices. They are kids sho come from good families, raised with morals and taught right from wrong. They are just making very bad decisions and need help finding a healthy relationship with technology.

Residential therapy is a choice made out of love to give your child a second chance at a bright future.

Whether your child may have fallen into a negative peer group (online or offline), has become addicted to their devices, or is struggling with self-worth issues (maybe experimenting with drugs and drinking?), they are definitely going down a dark path that needs to be addressed.

When teens feel boxed in - especially when they have their devices removed, rebellion and defiance (in combination with puberty) can strike.

The most important message you need to know is, you’re not alone.

Parents Universal Resource Experts educates parents on locating safe and quality residential therapy. We believe in positive and nurturing programs that include accredited academics, credentialed therapists and enrichment programs that stimulate your teen to make better choices.

We also caution parents on internet deception in the teen help industry, questions to ask schools and programs during your search, and tips for finding what is best for your family.

Contact us for a free consultation.

Author, Sue Scheff: In addition to founding P.U.R.E., Sue Scheff is a nationally recognized speaker, parent advocate, and Internet safety expert. She has been featured on TV shows including Good Morning America and Anderson Cooper 360 and has written for USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Forbes, and more.

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