We're surrounded by technologies - from our laptops, tablets, and phones to technology advancing medical, science, and education. The increasing prominence of technology in children's lives is a double-edged sword. While technology is neutral, it can be beneficial or harmful. As technology advances, determining the impact of technology on children becomes more challenging.
Whether we like it or not, children will interact with tech. It is an integrated, necessary, inevitable, and valuable aspect of our reality. Technology offers many good features in life, but can have harmful effects along with the positive.
How Much is too Much?
Kids can accumulate hours of screen usage per day. This excessive screen time can harm a child's development and lead to weight and sleep issues.
According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, children under 18 months should get no screen time at all. If you're introducing digital media to children between 18 and 24 months, make sure it's good quality and avoid letting them use it alone. Limit screen time for children ages 2 to 5 to one hour per day of high-quality programs.
A one-size-fits-all solution won't function as well as your children grow. You'll have to decide how much media your kids can see daily and what is appropriate.
Consider using the same rules in your child's actual and virtual worlds. Play with your child, teach kindness, get involved, and get to know your child's friends and what they do. Also, remember that the quality of the media exposure is more significant than the technology used or the quantity of time spent on it.
What are some Positive Effects of Technology on Children?
1. It's a source of knowledge.
Today's learners are substantially different from those that came before the internet revolution. So, the learning environment is more dynamic. Classrooms are being redesigned and reinvented in various ways as technology advances to meet the increasing needs of modern digital learners. The internet has evolved into a vital source of information.
Many children's books on the internet can assist a child in expanding their knowledge. It helps them to become independent learners and acquire confidence. Another advantage of the internet is that children have a wealth of information that can pique their interest in reading.
2. Improves their problem-solving skills.
We use this skill frequently in our daily lives. Children should learn it at an early age to deal with challenges in education and other areas throughout their lives.
Teaching children the art of problem-solving has many benefits. It teaches them how to avoid conflicts in school and in their daily lives. It can strengthen their empathy skills and develop other positive attributes. These skills are essential for school readiness and academic success.
3. Builds social interactions.
Social media websites and apps have brought about significant changes in the twenty-first century. These social networking sites and applications improve their ability to engage with others in their social circle. Social media can boost their confidence and prepare them for future social marketing opportunities.
Kids can do many essential things online through social networking platforms. They can stay in touch with friends and family, make new acquaintances, share images, and exchange ideas. Social media also enhances learning chances by allowing middle and high school students to collaborate on homework and group projects.
4. Enhances their creativity.
We can't keep children's imaginations from running wild. Kids today have laptops, tablets, and so much more to assist them in bringing those thoughts into reality.
Sure, students still have pens and paper, but they can now produce a 3D animation instead of creating a picture. They strive to make more with their minds and to try out new things. It improves their learning capacity, allowing them to perform better in the future.
5. Builds independence and empowerment.
Informational resources on the internet make early education far more accessible than in past generations. Because there are so many online resources, they can access research tasks without visiting an actual library. That is not to suggest that we no longer need books. In truth, the internet is a resource that makes books and high-quality information more accessible.
Kids can now complete the process thanks to technological advancements! Who knows how far they would have progressed without technology? It's not just the act of making and doing but also the sense of independence and power. They have the ability to communicate in ways that words cannot. When children can answer their questions, they are more likely to conduct more research and pursue new lines of reasoning. This method can help kids develop independence, academic confidence, and interest in new areas.
What are some Negative Effects of Technology on Children?
1. Emotional and behavioral issues.
Children may have an overwhelming desire to emulate their heroes or peers. When they can't meet up or do what they observe on TV, it can cause worry or a sense of inadequacy and inferiority. FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out) emerges, a toxic combination of worry and inadequacy.
The online world can be a breeding ground for hate. The internet provides an opportunity for children to be emotionally tormented. Children and teenagers can use technology and social media to bully other kids without even meeting them. This behavior is commonly referred to as cyberbullying. It is common even with younger students.
2. Safety concerns and exposure to explicit content.
This is the most alarming effect of children's unsupervised technology use. The amount of explicit information available on the internet is surprising. So, children with unsupervised access to technology will as a result have much easier access.
Most sites that display this sort of content do not have any age restrictions. So children might readily view them. Furthermore, dangerous individuals online can easily lure minors into sending inappropriate photographs, or financial and security information, especially if you haven’t properly introduced your child to basic online safety.
3. Reduced sleep quality.
Because of portable devices like smartphones and tablets, children now have access to media content at any time of day. It implies that people may spend the entire night reacting to texts and messages instead of sleeping. Sleep is necessary for physical and mental health, and children need a lot of sleep. A good night's sleep helps them develop, improves their heart health, impacts their weight, increases their attention span, and even helps them study.
Misuse and a lack of awareness of how much technology is "too much" are two of technology's drawbacks. Ensure that you supervise your children's usage of technology and limit it.
4. Reduced physical activity.
The health concerns that emerge from children's overuse of technology can have severe consequences. Spending more time inactive on their phones, playing video games, or watching TV means less physical activity overall.
More widespread use of tech promotes a more unhealthy lifestyle. It may lead to several health issues, including obesity, coronary heart disease, and diabetes type 2. Children who spend more time on a screen spend less time outside or partaking in physical activities. They may also engage in more mindless eating when watching TV or playing video games. That is why it is necessary to understand some strategies to get kids to eat without gadgets.
Pediatricians or registered dietitians can offer guidance on healthy eating habits and physical activity, monitor growth and development, while parents can promote a healthier lifestyle by encouraging outdoor activities, limiting screen time, and providing healthy snacks. Taking proactive steps to manage obesity can help children achieve optimal health and avoid long-term health issues. Click here for more additional information on how to manage obesity.
5. Weakened social skills.
Children of the new generation play online games, access websites and communicate on Facebook. Continuous use of technological devices can restrict the development of basic interaction skills. Social skills are knowing when to take turns in discussions, reading and using facial expressions, and making good eye contact.
It's not that spending time online is awful. But too much time online can sever the bond between parents and children and inhibit kids' development of social skills.
The Bottom Line
While technology can positively benefit children, too much exposure can have harmful consequences. These are less likely to occur if you minimize their screen time. Stick to your pediatrician's advice and your best judgment of a balanced day for your child. Supervise their social time, screen time, and physical activity. The key to parenting is balance, moderation, and supervision.