Knowing what information is safe to share, and what is not, is one of the great challenges of the digital age. While sharing some personal information is a necessary part of living life online, sharing too much information can damage your reputation or impact your online security. This is important for both kids and adults to understand. Check out one of our videos from our Digital On-Ramps curriculum for 4th and 5th graders that addresses this topic!​
Online Privacy Is For Everyone:
According to the report: Reputation Management and Social Media from the Pew Research Center, adults share personal information more freely than young people. Looks like we could all use a lesson on privacy!
You might like:
​Digital Parenting: Navigating the Fine Line Between Privacy and Sharing
7 Tips to Protect Your Privacy Online

Here are just some our student lessons on privacy in our Cyber Civics curriculum:
Who Am I Online?
My Self, My Selfie
You, In Six Words
Who's Watching You?
Privacy Policies: Who Reads Them?
Understanding Terms of Use
Targeting, Tracking and Those Filter Bubbles
Protecting Your Online Data
Making (and Remembering) Great Passwords
What Would You Collect?
Interested in trying one of these lessons?
Just contact us!

Online Privacy Tips
Read the Privacy Policies of all the sites you visit.
Review hard-to-read and confusing Privacy Policies with this free software: EULAyzer.
Set the privacy settings on all of your social networking sites.
Turn on the "Do Not Track Tool" on your browsers.
Never share passwords (except with your parents).
Make strong passwords. For example, mix upper and lowercase letters with symbols and numbers.​
Keep personal information personal. ​
Don't chat with or send photos to strangers.
(For Kids) Ask your parent's permission before signing up for anything online.
Know how to recognize ads and don't click on them.