Here you'll find a variety of webinars and podcasts, on a number of tech topics, that we have appeared on over the years. Enjoy!

A chat with Marc Groman and David Reitman of "Their Own Devices" about "What our Kids Post Online Matters, Maybe Forever!"
A chat with Christian Coon of "Failing Boldly" about "How to Keep Your Teens Safe Online."
A chat with Caleb Farley of "Socially Smart" about "Raising Humans in a Digital World."
A chat with Sheana Ahlqvist of "Innovation For All" about "How To Teach Kids to Interact Online."
A chat with Sue and Steph of Your Teen Magazine on "Why We Need to Parent Like Dolphins."
"The Internet Ruined My Life"
After The Show FINALE:
Moderator Diana Graber of Cyberwise @dianagraber
Sue Scheff, Nationally Recognized Author, Parent and Family Internet Safety Advocate @suescheff
Ross Ellis, CEO, STOMPOutBullying.com @StompOutBullyng
Toni Birdsong, Family Safety Evangelist for Intel Security @ToniBirdsong
"The Internet Ruined My Life"
After The Show Chat
"Gleek Tragedy"
Thurs., 4/7, 12 Noon EST/9 AM PST
Moderator Diana Graber of Cyberwise @dianagraber
Sue Scheff, Nationally Recognized Author, Parent and Family Internet Safety Advocate @suescheff
Nicole Crowther, Featured on the Syfy Show on 4/7 and seen on Nightline @TheIRMLSyfy
Indiana University's Dr. Michelle Drouin
The Internet Ruined My Life
After The Show Chat
"Adults Only"
Thurs., 3/31, 12 Noon EST/9 AM PST
Moderator Diana Graber of Cyberwise @dianagraber
Sue Scheff, Nationally Recognized Author, Parent and Family Internet Safety Advocate @suescheff
Andrea Weckerle, Founder of Civil Nation @AWeckerle
Ashley VanPevenage, Reality Show Guest @TheIRMLSyfy
The Internet Ruined My Life
After The Show Chat
"Sexting Gone Wrong"
Thurs., 3/24
Moderator Diana Graber of Cyberwise @dianagraber
Sue Scheff, Nationally Recognized Author, Parent and Family Internet Safety Advocate @suescheff
Richard Guerry, Exec. Dir., The Institute for Responsible Online and Cell-Phone Communication
Emily Lindin, Founder of the UnSlut Project and Director, Author of "The UnSlut Project"
The Internet Ruined My Life
After The Show
Thurs., 3/17, 12 Noon EST/9 AM PST
Moderator Diana Graber of Cyberwise @dianagraber
Sue Scheff, Nationally Recognized Author, Parent and Family Internet Safety Advocate @suescheff
Dr. Pamela Rutledge, MBA, Director, Media Psychology Research Center, Consultant, Speaker, Writer @pamelarutledge
Bradley Shear, Internationally Recognized Attorney, Consultant, Speaker, and Author @bradleyshear
After Show: The Internet Ruined My Life
"Adults Only"
Thurs., 3/31, 12 Noon EST/9 AM PST
Moderator Diana Graber of Cyberwise @dianagraber
Sue Scheff, Nationally Recognized Author, Parent and Family Internet Safety Advocate @suescheff
Andrea Weckerle, Founder of Civil Nation @AWeckerle
Ashley VanPevenage, Reality Show Guest @TheIRMLSyfy
A Cyberwise Chat: Dating, Sexting, Bullying on Social Media
Tue., 2/9, 11:30 PST/2:30 EST
Moderator David Ryan Polgar is the Digital Family Expert for ASKfm and co-founder of the Digital Citizenship Summit.
Officer Mike Bires of Law.Enforcement.Social has served the people of the State of California as a police officer for over 23 years.
Heather Ryan, of Safe in the City, was a Special Agent with the Naval Criminal Investigative Service (NCIS...yes, like the TV show) for 14 years.
James Ryan is a co-founder of PocketGuardian, the 1st digital monitoring tool that keeps parents actively aware of their child's digital footprint without invading their privacy.